

°1/4 c warm water
°1 pack (2 1/4 tsp) active dried yeast
°1 c flour
°1 c granulated sugar
°1 c milk

* Methods :

Day 1: In a small bowl, mix warm water with yeast and set aside to boil for 5-10 minutes. In a large non-metallic bowl, mix the flour and sugar before stirring in the milk and yeast mixture.
Covering loosely and let stand at room temperature to it bubbles. Pour to  one-gallon ziplock bag & seal. Letting it sit at room temperature.
Day 2: Mashed bag.
Third day: mashed bag.
Fourth day: Crushed bag.
Day 5: Crushed bag.
Sixth day: Add a cup of flour, a cup of sugar and a cup of milk. Mashed bag until well blend.
Day 7: Crushed bag.
Day 8: Crushed bag.
Day 9: Crushed bag.
Day 10: Pour appetizer to non-metallic bowl & adding 1 c of flour, 1 c sugar also 1 cup milk. Mix well with a non-metallic spoon. Divide 1 cup of the starter portions into separate 1-gallon bags. Keep one bag for yourself, and serve the rest to friends with this recipe!

Enjoy !