Zucchini Garlic Bites don't Lose This

This delicious garlic zucchini recipe combines chopped zucchini with garlic, parmesan cheese and fresh herbs.it is served with a Marilla sauce, bringing a touch of Italian inspiration. , zucchini...   It's the crop that keeps giving throughout the growing season.This recipe is another way to turn it into a hearty snack, which can be used as a snack, side dish, or even baby food.At the end of summer, the kitchen was busy preserving the harvest.At the same time, the counter was filled with tomato and vegetable pulp.If I use ripe tomatoes to make gravy or canned sauce, and then use zucchini or zucchini lasagna to fry the zucchini or save it for later use, everything will change a lot.  After the counter was cleared, I had only a brief satisfaction before filling it with freshly picked fruits.

* ingredients :

° 1 cup finely grated zucchini, drained
° 1 egg
° 1/3 cup rusk
° 1/4 cup finely grated Parmesan cheese
° 1 finely grated garlic clove
° 2 tsps chopped freshly chives
° 1 tsp fresh parsley
° 1 tsp fresh basil
° 1 teaspoon chopped fresh oregano
° Pinch of salt and pepper
° Tomato sauce for dipping

* directions :

Heaat oven 400 degrees F . Coaat a baking tray with a some olive oil . Sit apart .On a clean towel, rub the zucchini with a grater.Rolling towel to squeeze out moisture.Rubbing  garlic through holes in grater.Mix all ingredients in a bowl and blend well.Pour the mixture in your hands, roll into a ball, and place on a baking sheet.Bake in the preheated oven for 15-18 minutes until golden brown, and drizzle with Malila sauce while it is still hot.

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